Cal's Comms

Animal Hoodie Scarves

The hoodies start at $150 for a basic hoodie with no add-ons

If you want a hoodie based off of an animal or character they start at $180 for the design work on the base hoodie, plus $5-20 for extras

  • Small ears - $5/ear
  • Medium ears - $7/ear
  • Large ears - $10/ear
  • Horns/Antlers - $20+/each
  • Other - Depends on complexity

These scarves are based on a pattern by Tamara Kelly that I edit and adjust to fit exactly what you want:)

I can take whatever animal or character you want and we can make a design based off of it like this one I based off of my fursona D4N1


I do a lot of chainmail and it's usually highly specifc

My ring here is probably my favorite that I've made, it's so fun and it's a god tier fidget/stim toy. I love it so much

I'm actually selling these! They're $200 and you can email me about them. They're made from jewelery grade sterling silver and they're gorgeous and have an amazing texture :)

I made this because my tattoo artist used to have one and so we bartered so he got this and I got a tattoo it was great and also made me realise I just might be able to chainmail my crochet patterns

This was the outcome of me learning to chainmail my crochet patterns

I've been making earrings for years, longer than I've had my ears pierced. Just amazing to create and sell, they're so pretty

Oh the flower crowns. I love making the flowers so much and while I'm not amazing at wire work, I'm good enough to make these very pretty flower crowns. The mix of the soft flower crown aesthetic while being made of metal is just 10/10 big fan

These are just a few of my favorite things I've made, I love designing and making custom work, so if anything comes to mind, you can email me for anything you'll want:)